WJOA Survey, Spring 2014
Hey WJOA community:
We'd like to get your input about this group, so it can continue growing and improving. Please fill out this survey by Thursday, June 5.
Hey WJOA community:
We'd like to get your input about this group, so it can continue growing and improving. Please fill out this survey by Thursday, June 5.
May 15, 2014
Shabbat and Potluck
Our next Shabbat and Potluck will be THIS Friday, May 16 at 7:15pm. Please RSVP and receive the link to sign up for your dish by emailing Jordan
Upcoming dates: June 20, July 11
Trivia Night
Our next trivia night will take place this Thursday, May 15 at Irish Rover, 3718 28th Ave, at 7:30pm. $10 (total from all of us) - we could win big, people! Please RSVP to Ally at [email protected] to attend, and check out the FB event here: https://www.facebook.com/events/625655567515845
Happy Hour
Join us at our next happy hour! Wednesday, May 28th at 7pm at Studio Square, 35-33 36th St. RSVP here
Shavuot Outing
We would like to make a group outing to attend the 10th annual Tikkun Leil Shavuot at the JCC in Manhattan on Tues, Jun 3 from 10pm to 5am. We will meet at 8:30pm at the 30th ave stop. RSVP to Ally at [email protected] or at the FB event. Additional details can be found here: http://www.jccmanhattan.org/tikkun
Community Meeting
Save the date for our next WJOA Community Meeting on Sunday, June 8 from 7-9pm. All are welcome! Get the latest updates here.
Israel Day Celebration
Join the New York Mets for Celebrate Israel Night at Citi Field! Cheer for the Mets on June 11 and enjoy pre-game musical entertainment on the Mets Plaza celebrating Israel and its diverse and unique culture. Tickets are $14. Contact Sam to purchase a ticket, and RSVP here.
All seats will be together. Deadline to request a ticket is June 5th.
Schmooze News
Looking for Shabbat plans? Check out Astoria residents Sarit and Ari's page on EatWithMe: http://www.eatwith.com/#!/offering/8684-Shabbat-Table-Astoria
Join the Romemu Social Action Committee and the Young Tish on May 25th to pray with your feet and make meals for people in need. In partnership with the Muslims Against Hunger, a local non-profit, and West End Synagogue, volunteers will assemble meals and then bring dinner to locations where homeless people congregate. Please register to volunteer at:
https://romemu.org/civicrm/event/info?reset=1&id=2518 and see the FB event here.
Email K'lila if interested!
Events @ Astoria Center of Israel:
Lunch and Learn: Date: Saturday, May 17 Time: following Shabbat services. Good discussion and good food!
Game Night Date: Tuesday, May 20 Time: 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm. ACI’s game night, with refreshments and fun. $5 suggested donation, or free if you bring a board game or a kosher (daily or pareve) snack to share.
Shavu'ot Dine-'N-Drash Date: Tuesday, June 3 Time: TBA
ACI BLOOD DRIVE Date: Sunday, June 22 Time: 10:30 am - 4:30 pm
The National Havurah Summer Institute is happening in NH, Aug. 4-10. For more info: http://havurah.org/institute/about/about-the-institute/
We'd love to get a group together. Please let Ally know if you have any interest!
Anyone interested in hosting a future Shabbat should email Mor. You should be comfortable with having about 20-25 people in your home.
Shabbat and Potluck
Our next Shabbat and Potluck will be THIS Friday, May 16 at 7:15pm. Please RSVP and receive the link to sign up for your dish by emailing Jordan
Upcoming dates: June 20, July 11
Trivia Night
Our next trivia night will take place this Thursday, May 15 at Irish Rover, 3718 28th Ave, at 7:30pm. $10 (total from all of us) - we could win big, people! Please RSVP to Ally at [email protected] to attend, and check out the FB event here: https://www.facebook.com/events/625655567515845
Happy Hour
Join us at our next happy hour! Wednesday, May 28th at 7pm at Studio Square, 35-33 36th St. RSVP here
Shavuot Outing
We would like to make a group outing to attend the 10th annual Tikkun Leil Shavuot at the JCC in Manhattan on Tues, Jun 3 from 10pm to 5am. We will meet at 8:30pm at the 30th ave stop. RSVP to Ally at [email protected] or at the FB event. Additional details can be found here: http://www.jccmanhattan.org/tikkun
Community Meeting
Save the date for our next WJOA Community Meeting on Sunday, June 8 from 7-9pm. All are welcome! Get the latest updates here.
Israel Day Celebration
Join the New York Mets for Celebrate Israel Night at Citi Field! Cheer for the Mets on June 11 and enjoy pre-game musical entertainment on the Mets Plaza celebrating Israel and its diverse and unique culture. Tickets are $14. Contact Sam to purchase a ticket, and RSVP here.
All seats will be together. Deadline to request a ticket is June 5th.
Schmooze News
Looking for Shabbat plans? Check out Astoria residents Sarit and Ari's page on EatWithMe: http://www.eatwith.com/#!/offering/8684-Shabbat-Table-Astoria
Join the Romemu Social Action Committee and the Young Tish on May 25th to pray with your feet and make meals for people in need. In partnership with the Muslims Against Hunger, a local non-profit, and West End Synagogue, volunteers will assemble meals and then bring dinner to locations where homeless people congregate. Please register to volunteer at:
https://romemu.org/civicrm/event/info?reset=1&id=2518 and see the FB event here.
Email K'lila if interested!
Events @ Astoria Center of Israel:
Lunch and Learn: Date: Saturday, May 17 Time: following Shabbat services. Good discussion and good food!
Game Night Date: Tuesday, May 20 Time: 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm. ACI’s game night, with refreshments and fun. $5 suggested donation, or free if you bring a board game or a kosher (daily or pareve) snack to share.
Shavu'ot Dine-'N-Drash Date: Tuesday, June 3 Time: TBA
ACI BLOOD DRIVE Date: Sunday, June 22 Time: 10:30 am - 4:30 pm
The National Havurah Summer Institute is happening in NH, Aug. 4-10. For more info: http://havurah.org/institute/about/about-the-institute/
We'd love to get a group together. Please let Ally know if you have any interest!
Anyone interested in hosting a future Shabbat should email Mor. You should be comfortable with having about 20-25 people in your home.
May 3, 2014
Shabbat and Potluck
Our next Shabbat and Potluck will be Friday, May 16 at 7:15pm (Please note DATE CHANGE). Please RSVP and receive the link to sign up for your dish by emailing Jordan
Upcoming dates: June 20, July 11
Trivia Night
Our next trivia night will take place Thursday, May 15 (Please note DATE CHANGE) at Irish Rover, 3718 28th Ave, at 7:30pm. $10 (total from all of us) - we could win big, people! Please RSVP to Ally to attend.
Book Club
For our next book club, we'll be reading The Brothers Ashkenazi by Israel Joshua Singer. We'll meet 8pm for some dessert on Wednesday, May 14 at Omonia Cafe Next Door. RSVP to Jonah and check out the Facebook event here.
Community Meeting
Save the date for our next WJOA Community Meeting on Sunday, June 8 from 7-9pm. All are welcome!
Schmooze News
Looking for Shabbat plans? Check out Astoria residents Sarit and Ari's page on EatWithMe
Save the date: 10th annual Tikkun Leil Shavuot at the JCC in Manhattan on Tues, Jun 3 from 10pm to 5am. More details can be found here.
The National Havurah Summer Institute is happening in NH, Aug. 4-10. For more info: http://havurah.org/institute/about/about-the-institute/
We'd love to get a group together. Please let Ally know if you have any interest!
Anyone interested in hosting a future Shabbat should email Mor! You should be comfortable with having about 20-25 people in your home.
Shabbat and Potluck
Our next Shabbat and Potluck will be Friday, May 16 at 7:15pm (Please note DATE CHANGE). Please RSVP and receive the link to sign up for your dish by emailing Jordan
Upcoming dates: June 20, July 11
Trivia Night
Our next trivia night will take place Thursday, May 15 (Please note DATE CHANGE) at Irish Rover, 3718 28th Ave, at 7:30pm. $10 (total from all of us) - we could win big, people! Please RSVP to Ally to attend.
Book Club
For our next book club, we'll be reading The Brothers Ashkenazi by Israel Joshua Singer. We'll meet 8pm for some dessert on Wednesday, May 14 at Omonia Cafe Next Door. RSVP to Jonah and check out the Facebook event here.
Community Meeting
Save the date for our next WJOA Community Meeting on Sunday, June 8 from 7-9pm. All are welcome!
Schmooze News
Looking for Shabbat plans? Check out Astoria residents Sarit and Ari's page on EatWithMe
Save the date: 10th annual Tikkun Leil Shavuot at the JCC in Manhattan on Tues, Jun 3 from 10pm to 5am. More details can be found here.
The National Havurah Summer Institute is happening in NH, Aug. 4-10. For more info: http://havurah.org/institute/about/about-the-institute/
We'd love to get a group together. Please let Ally know if you have any interest!
Anyone interested in hosting a future Shabbat should email Mor! You should be comfortable with having about 20-25 people in your home.
April 16, 2014
Shabbat and Potluck
Our next Shabbat and Potluck will be Friday, May 16 at 7:15pm (Please note DATE CHANGE). Please RSVP and receive the link to sign up for your dish by emailing Jordan .
Upcoming dates: June 20, July 11
Volunteer Opportunity
Help prepare dinner for the homeless shelter at the Church of St. Paul and St. Andrew on the Upper West Side on Wednesday, April 23rd. We'll meet there at 6, and can expect to be done by 7:15pm. The cost is $10 to help pay for groceries. Please RSVP to the FB event here and to Jonah.
Happy Hour
Our next happy hour will be Thursday, April 24th at Mosaic at 7pm (it's also Queens Beer Week!). RSVP on the Facebook event here.
Trivia Night
Our next trivia night will take place Thursday, May 8 at Irish Rover, 3718 28th Ave, at 7:30pm. $10 (total from all of us) - we could win big, people! Please RSVP to Ally to attend.
Book Club
For our next book club, we'll be reading The Brothers Ashkenazi by Israel Joshua Singer. We'll meet 8pm for some dessert on Wednesday, May 14 at Omonia Cafe Next Door. RSVP to Jonah and check out the Facebook event here.
Community Meeting
Save the date for our next WJOA Community Meeting on Sunday, June 8 from 7-9pm. All are welcome!
Schmooze News
Zelig will be hosting an unofficial Shabbat on Friday, April 25th at 7pm. He will provide the food, although fresh fruit/vegetables would be welcome. Please email him at [email protected] to RSVP and for the address.
It's Spring Mitzvah Day at Shaaray Tefilah on Sunday, May 4. If interested in attending, please email Jonah and include which project (#9 or #12 from this list) by the end of this week! Registration deadline is April 22, and we will be meeting in Astoria at 12:30 to head over to the event together.
Looking for Shabbat plans? Check out Astoria residents Sarit and Ari's page on EatWithMe: http://www.eatwith.com/#!/offering/8684-Shabbat-Table-Astoria
Those interested in learning more about Jewish meditation can learn about it at Eli's event this Saturday https://www.facebook.com/events/1440811176160608/
Anyone interested in hosting a future Shabbat should email Mor! You should be comfortable with having about 20-25 people in your home.
Shabbat and Potluck
Our next Shabbat and Potluck will be Friday, May 16 at 7:15pm (Please note DATE CHANGE). Please RSVP and receive the link to sign up for your dish by emailing Jordan .
Upcoming dates: June 20, July 11
Volunteer Opportunity
Help prepare dinner for the homeless shelter at the Church of St. Paul and St. Andrew on the Upper West Side on Wednesday, April 23rd. We'll meet there at 6, and can expect to be done by 7:15pm. The cost is $10 to help pay for groceries. Please RSVP to the FB event here and to Jonah.
Happy Hour
Our next happy hour will be Thursday, April 24th at Mosaic at 7pm (it's also Queens Beer Week!). RSVP on the Facebook event here.
Trivia Night
Our next trivia night will take place Thursday, May 8 at Irish Rover, 3718 28th Ave, at 7:30pm. $10 (total from all of us) - we could win big, people! Please RSVP to Ally to attend.
Book Club
For our next book club, we'll be reading The Brothers Ashkenazi by Israel Joshua Singer. We'll meet 8pm for some dessert on Wednesday, May 14 at Omonia Cafe Next Door. RSVP to Jonah and check out the Facebook event here.
Community Meeting
Save the date for our next WJOA Community Meeting on Sunday, June 8 from 7-9pm. All are welcome!
Schmooze News
Zelig will be hosting an unofficial Shabbat on Friday, April 25th at 7pm. He will provide the food, although fresh fruit/vegetables would be welcome. Please email him at [email protected] to RSVP and for the address.
It's Spring Mitzvah Day at Shaaray Tefilah on Sunday, May 4. If interested in attending, please email Jonah and include which project (#9 or #12 from this list) by the end of this week! Registration deadline is April 22, and we will be meeting in Astoria at 12:30 to head over to the event together.
Looking for Shabbat plans? Check out Astoria residents Sarit and Ari's page on EatWithMe: http://www.eatwith.com/#!/offering/8684-Shabbat-Table-Astoria
Those interested in learning more about Jewish meditation can learn about it at Eli's event this Saturday https://www.facebook.com/events/1440811176160608/
Anyone interested in hosting a future Shabbat should email Mor! You should be comfortable with having about 20-25 people in your home.
April 1, 2014
Shabbat and Potluck
Our next Shabbat and Potluck will be THIS Friday, April 4 at 7:15pm. Please RSVP and receive the link to sign up for your dish by emailing Mor at [email protected].
Upcoming dates: May 16, June 20
Anyone interested in hosting a future Shabbat should email Mor!
For those looking for somewhere to go for Pesach, here are a few options:
http://www.ohelayalah.org/events/seders (20s and 30s event is the 2nd night)
https://www.emanuelnyc.org/donate/civicrm/event/register?id=10&reset=1 (at Katz's deli!)
If anyone knows of other resources/events happening, please leave a comment with the info on our Facebook page!
Happy Hour
Our next happy hour will be Thursday, April 24th at location TBD (it's also Queens Beer Week!). Keep an eye on our Facebook page for updates.
Book Club
For our next book club, we'll be reading The Brothers Ashkenazi by Israel Joshua Singer. We'll meet 12 pm on Sunday, May 4, location TBD. RSVP to Jonah at jonah.schrogin@gmail.com and check out the Facebook event here:https://www.facebook.com/events/1486860754875148
Schmooze News
Zelig will be hosting an unofficial Shabbat on Friday, April 25th at 7pm. He will provide the food, although fresh fruit/vegetables would be welcome. Please email him at [email protected] to RSVP and for the address.
Shabbat and Potluck
Our next Shabbat and Potluck will be THIS Friday, April 4 at 7:15pm. Please RSVP and receive the link to sign up for your dish by emailing Mor at [email protected].
Upcoming dates: May 16, June 20
Anyone interested in hosting a future Shabbat should email Mor!
For those looking for somewhere to go for Pesach, here are a few options:
http://www.ohelayalah.org/events/seders (20s and 30s event is the 2nd night)
https://www.emanuelnyc.org/donate/civicrm/event/register?id=10&reset=1 (at Katz's deli!)
If anyone knows of other resources/events happening, please leave a comment with the info on our Facebook page!
Happy Hour
Our next happy hour will be Thursday, April 24th at location TBD (it's also Queens Beer Week!). Keep an eye on our Facebook page for updates.
Book Club
For our next book club, we'll be reading The Brothers Ashkenazi by Israel Joshua Singer. We'll meet 12 pm on Sunday, May 4, location TBD. RSVP to Jonah at jonah.schrogin@gmail.com and check out the Facebook event here:https://www.facebook.com/events/1486860754875148
Schmooze News
Zelig will be hosting an unofficial Shabbat on Friday, April 25th at 7pm. He will provide the food, although fresh fruit/vegetables would be welcome. Please email him at [email protected] to RSVP and for the address.
March 15, 2014
Shabbat and Potluck
Our next Shabbat and Potluck will be Friday, April 4 at 7:15pm. Please RSVP and receive the link to sign up for your dish by emailing Mor.
Upcoming dates: May 23, June 20
We will be going to Barcade, located in the heart of Williamsburg on Sunday, March 23, leaving Astoria at 3pm from the 30th Ave subway station. This wonderful establishment is filled with a wide variety of vintage 80s arcade game consoles (Frogger, Ms. Pacman, Tetris, multi-player Ninja Turtles, Donkey Kong, etc.) as well as a large assortment of beer. Most of the games only cost a quarter to play. If you're interested, email Dov.
Trivia Night
Our next trivia night will be taking place Wednesday, March 26 at 8pm at Sunswick, 35-02 35th St. RSVP if interested to Ally and check out the Facebook event here.
Schmooze News Items
From the Chabad in LIC: We would like to share with your group an amazing event we are having on March 15 at 9:00pm at Chabad of LIC. Highlights of this event are: Open bar, Full Buffet, Music, dancing, Masquerade/costume contest, Megilla reading, Mislach Manot sharing and much more. Check out our website as well Jewishlic.com
Eli's Shabbaton Extravaganza! The Shabbaton will commence on Friday March 28 with a meat/parve/vegetarian potluck. I plan to daven at the Forest Hills Jewish Center for Kabbalat Shabbat beforehand.Saturday will be a day of learning and rejuvenation. Please email Eli at [email protected] for further details and to RSVP.
As always, feel free to send any updates to [email protected].
Happy Purim!
Shabbat and Potluck
Our next Shabbat and Potluck will be Friday, April 4 at 7:15pm. Please RSVP and receive the link to sign up for your dish by emailing Mor.
Upcoming dates: May 23, June 20
We will be going to Barcade, located in the heart of Williamsburg on Sunday, March 23, leaving Astoria at 3pm from the 30th Ave subway station. This wonderful establishment is filled with a wide variety of vintage 80s arcade game consoles (Frogger, Ms. Pacman, Tetris, multi-player Ninja Turtles, Donkey Kong, etc.) as well as a large assortment of beer. Most of the games only cost a quarter to play. If you're interested, email Dov.
Trivia Night
Our next trivia night will be taking place Wednesday, March 26 at 8pm at Sunswick, 35-02 35th St. RSVP if interested to Ally and check out the Facebook event here.
Schmooze News Items
From the Chabad in LIC: We would like to share with your group an amazing event we are having on March 15 at 9:00pm at Chabad of LIC. Highlights of this event are: Open bar, Full Buffet, Music, dancing, Masquerade/costume contest, Megilla reading, Mislach Manot sharing and much more. Check out our website as well Jewishlic.com
Eli's Shabbaton Extravaganza! The Shabbaton will commence on Friday March 28 with a meat/parve/vegetarian potluck. I plan to daven at the Forest Hills Jewish Center for Kabbalat Shabbat beforehand.Saturday will be a day of learning and rejuvenation. Please email Eli at [email protected] for further details and to RSVP.
As always, feel free to send any updates to [email protected].
Happy Purim!
March 4, 2014
Shabbat and Potluck
Our next Shabbat and Potluck will be THIS Friday, March 7th at 7:15pm. Please RSVP and receive the link to sign up for your dish by emailing Jonah. Also let him know if you'd like to come for both service and potluck at 7:15, or potluck only at 8:45.
Upcoming date: April 4
Purim Event!
We will be having a Purim shpiel! If you're interested in helping to tell the story of Purim in a creative, exciting way, please e-mail Michael Croland to sign up. Shpiel actors will have to arrive at 7pm sharp to do a practice run through the script downstairs. There will be no other rehearsals. No acting experience is required! Email Mor for the address, and check out the Facebook event here.
The event itself will be starting at 7pm as well. See you there!
Book Club
For our next book club, we will be reading "Suddenly a Knock on the Door" by Etgar Keret, with a lunch on Sunday, March 16 at 1pm. RSVP to Jonah or at the Facebook event here.
Trivia Night
Our next trivia night will be taking place Wednesday, March 26th at 8pm at Sunswick, 35-02 35th St. RSVP if interested to Ally and check out the Facebook event here.
Schmooze News Items
From the Chabad in LIC: We would like to share with your group an amazing event we are having on March 15 at 9:00pm at Chabad of LIC. Highlights of this event are: Open bar, Full Buffet, Music, dancing, Masquerade/costume contest, Megilla reading, Mislach Manot sharing and much more. Check out our website as well Jewishlic.com
Eli's Shabbaton Extravaganza! The Shabbaton will commence on Friday the 28th with a meat/parve/vegetarian potluck. I plan to daven at the Forest Hills Jewish Center for Kabbalat Shabbat beforehand.Saturday will be a day of learning and rejuvenation. Please email Eli for further details and to RSVP.
Shabbat and Potluck
Our next Shabbat and Potluck will be THIS Friday, March 7th at 7:15pm. Please RSVP and receive the link to sign up for your dish by emailing Jonah. Also let him know if you'd like to come for both service and potluck at 7:15, or potluck only at 8:45.
Upcoming date: April 4
Purim Event!
We will be having a Purim shpiel! If you're interested in helping to tell the story of Purim in a creative, exciting way, please e-mail Michael Croland to sign up. Shpiel actors will have to arrive at 7pm sharp to do a practice run through the script downstairs. There will be no other rehearsals. No acting experience is required! Email Mor for the address, and check out the Facebook event here.
The event itself will be starting at 7pm as well. See you there!
Book Club
For our next book club, we will be reading "Suddenly a Knock on the Door" by Etgar Keret, with a lunch on Sunday, March 16 at 1pm. RSVP to Jonah or at the Facebook event here.
Trivia Night
Our next trivia night will be taking place Wednesday, March 26th at 8pm at Sunswick, 35-02 35th St. RSVP if interested to Ally and check out the Facebook event here.
Schmooze News Items
From the Chabad in LIC: We would like to share with your group an amazing event we are having on March 15 at 9:00pm at Chabad of LIC. Highlights of this event are: Open bar, Full Buffet, Music, dancing, Masquerade/costume contest, Megilla reading, Mislach Manot sharing and much more. Check out our website as well Jewishlic.com
Eli's Shabbaton Extravaganza! The Shabbaton will commence on Friday the 28th with a meat/parve/vegetarian potluck. I plan to daven at the Forest Hills Jewish Center for Kabbalat Shabbat beforehand.Saturday will be a day of learning and rejuvenation. Please email Eli for further details and to RSVP.
February 7, 2014
Shabbat and Potluck
Our next Shabbat and Potluck will be THIS Friday, February 7th at 7:15pm. Please RSVP and receive the link to sign up for your dish by emailing Ally
We will also be welcoming our friends from Mechon Hadar who will be leading a discussion after dinner and pre-service "mini-shur".
Upcoming dates: March 7, April 4
Purim Planning!
Purim is coming up, and for all those who attended we had an amazing event last year. If anyone is interested in being part of the Purim Planning Committee this year, please respond to the newsletter and let Tanya know!
Happy Hour
Our next happy hour will be Wednesday, February 26th at Oliver's, 37-19 Broadway. RSVP to the Facebook event here.
Trivia Night
Our next trivia night will be taking place Thursday, February 13th at 8:15pm at Astoria Brewhouse, 30 ave and 31st. RSVP if interested to Ally and check out the Facebook event.
Book Club
For our next book club, we will be reading Suddenly a Knock on the Door by Etgar Keret, with a bagel brunch at location TBD on Sunday, March 16 at 12pm. RSVP to Jonah or at the Facebook event here.
Movie Outing!
We will be going to see The Monuments Men the afternoon of Sunday, March 2nd. More info coming soon! RSVP and get all the updates here.
Schmooze News Items
Check out WJOA member Mor's band! Distoria at Pianos NYC, 158 Ludlow Street at Stanton. Saturday, February 15th at 8:30pm, $10 cover.
LimmudNY is Feb 14-17, 2014!
If you are interested in attending, let us know. We had a group of five go last year and plan on returning! Check out the website http://limmudny.org for all the info on this WONDERFUL weekend of Jewish learning and community!
From Dan Fast: Birthright Israel Alumni will love NYT Critic's Pick "Handle With Care", the "fearlessly adorable" new romantic comedy, playing now through Feb 23. When a young Israeli woman, with little command of English, reluctantly travels to America, fate and circumstances bring her together with an American man, with little command of romance. We have a special NEXT discount! Visit www.handlewithcaretheplay.com and enter code: CODE
Shabbat and Potluck
Our next Shabbat and Potluck will be THIS Friday, February 7th at 7:15pm. Please RSVP and receive the link to sign up for your dish by emailing Ally
We will also be welcoming our friends from Mechon Hadar who will be leading a discussion after dinner and pre-service "mini-shur".
Upcoming dates: March 7, April 4
Purim Planning!
Purim is coming up, and for all those who attended we had an amazing event last year. If anyone is interested in being part of the Purim Planning Committee this year, please respond to the newsletter and let Tanya know!
Happy Hour
Our next happy hour will be Wednesday, February 26th at Oliver's, 37-19 Broadway. RSVP to the Facebook event here.
Trivia Night
Our next trivia night will be taking place Thursday, February 13th at 8:15pm at Astoria Brewhouse, 30 ave and 31st. RSVP if interested to Ally and check out the Facebook event.
Book Club
For our next book club, we will be reading Suddenly a Knock on the Door by Etgar Keret, with a bagel brunch at location TBD on Sunday, March 16 at 12pm. RSVP to Jonah or at the Facebook event here.
Movie Outing!
We will be going to see The Monuments Men the afternoon of Sunday, March 2nd. More info coming soon! RSVP and get all the updates here.
Schmooze News Items
Check out WJOA member Mor's band! Distoria at Pianos NYC, 158 Ludlow Street at Stanton. Saturday, February 15th at 8:30pm, $10 cover.
LimmudNY is Feb 14-17, 2014!
If you are interested in attending, let us know. We had a group of five go last year and plan on returning! Check out the website http://limmudny.org for all the info on this WONDERFUL weekend of Jewish learning and community!
From Dan Fast: Birthright Israel Alumni will love NYT Critic's Pick "Handle With Care", the "fearlessly adorable" new romantic comedy, playing now through Feb 23. When a young Israeli woman, with little command of English, reluctantly travels to America, fate and circumstances bring her together with an American man, with little command of romance. We have a special NEXT discount! Visit www.handlewithcaretheplay.com and enter code: CODE
January 22, 2014
Shabbat and Potluck
Our next Shabbat and Potluck will be Friday, February 7th at 7:15pm. Please RSVP and receive the link to sign up for your dish by emailing Ally
Upcoming dates: March 7, April 4
Happy Hour
Our next happy hour will be TONIGHT, January 22nd at 7:15pm at The Strand, 25-27 Broadway. Get more details and RSVP here.
The following happy hour will be Wednesday, February 26th at Oliver's, 37-19 Broadway. Keep an eye on our Facebook page for the event!
Trivia Night
Our next trivia night will be taking place Thursday, February 13th at 8:15pm at Astoria Brewhouse, Broadway and 32nd St. RSVP if interested to Ally
Book Club
Interested in being a part of the WJOA Book Club? Vote for next month's book! After you read about the choices below, you can fill out the google form, linked here. Please submit your choice by this Friday, 1/24, at 5pm.
The books:
"Home Land" By Sam Lipsyte
"The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz" by Mordecai Richler
"The Spinoza of Market Street" by Isaac Bashevis Singer
"Suddenly a Knock on the Door" by Etgar Keret
"The Sisters Weiss" by Naomi Ragan
Save the date: Movie Outing!
We are planning an outing to see The Monument Men the afternoon of Sunday, March 2nd so mark your calendars!
Schmooze News Items
Blood Drive at Central
Central Synagogue is hosting a blood drive on January 27th from 2:30-7:00pm. They are trying to get a good turn out since it is a time of year when blood banks are in need. It is open to the community, and having a presence from WJOA would mean a lot to them! See this website for more information:
Check out WJOA member Mor's band! Distoria at Pianos NYC, 158 Ludlow Street at Stanton. Saturday, February 15th at 8:30pm, $10 cover.
LimmudNY is Feb 14-17, 2014!
If you are interested in attending, let us know. We had a group of five go last year and plan on returning! Check out the website http://limmudny.org for all the info on this WONDERFUL weekend of Jewish learning and community!
From Dan Fast: Birthright Israel Alumni will love NYT Critic's Pick "Handle With Care", the "fearlessly adorable" new romantic comedy, playing now through Feb 23. When a young Israeli woman, with little command of English, reluctantly travels to America, fate and circumstances bring her together with an American man, with little command of romance. We have a special NEXT discount! Visit www.handlewithcaretheplay.com and enter code: CODE
Shabbat and Potluck
Our next Shabbat and Potluck will be Friday, February 7th at 7:15pm. Please RSVP and receive the link to sign up for your dish by emailing Ally
Upcoming dates: March 7, April 4
Happy Hour
Our next happy hour will be TONIGHT, January 22nd at 7:15pm at The Strand, 25-27 Broadway. Get more details and RSVP here.
The following happy hour will be Wednesday, February 26th at Oliver's, 37-19 Broadway. Keep an eye on our Facebook page for the event!
Trivia Night
Our next trivia night will be taking place Thursday, February 13th at 8:15pm at Astoria Brewhouse, Broadway and 32nd St. RSVP if interested to Ally
Book Club
Interested in being a part of the WJOA Book Club? Vote for next month's book! After you read about the choices below, you can fill out the google form, linked here. Please submit your choice by this Friday, 1/24, at 5pm.
The books:
"Home Land" By Sam Lipsyte
"The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz" by Mordecai Richler
"The Spinoza of Market Street" by Isaac Bashevis Singer
"Suddenly a Knock on the Door" by Etgar Keret
"The Sisters Weiss" by Naomi Ragan
Save the date: Movie Outing!
We are planning an outing to see The Monument Men the afternoon of Sunday, March 2nd so mark your calendars!
Schmooze News Items
Blood Drive at Central
Central Synagogue is hosting a blood drive on January 27th from 2:30-7:00pm. They are trying to get a good turn out since it is a time of year when blood banks are in need. It is open to the community, and having a presence from WJOA would mean a lot to them! See this website for more information:
Check out WJOA member Mor's band! Distoria at Pianos NYC, 158 Ludlow Street at Stanton. Saturday, February 15th at 8:30pm, $10 cover.
LimmudNY is Feb 14-17, 2014!
If you are interested in attending, let us know. We had a group of five go last year and plan on returning! Check out the website http://limmudny.org for all the info on this WONDERFUL weekend of Jewish learning and community!
From Dan Fast: Birthright Israel Alumni will love NYT Critic's Pick "Handle With Care", the "fearlessly adorable" new romantic comedy, playing now through Feb 23. When a young Israeli woman, with little command of English, reluctantly travels to America, fate and circumstances bring her together with an American man, with little command of romance. We have a special NEXT discount! Visit www.handlewithcaretheplay.com and enter code: CODE
January 5, 2014
Shabbat and Potluck
Our next Shabbat and Potluck will be THIS Friday, January 10 at 7pm. Please RSVP to Joe and Orlie at [email protected] and then sign up for what you're bringing here.
February date will be coming soon!
Trivia Night!
Our next trivia night will be taking place Monday, January 13, at 7pm at Gilbeys, located on Broadway and 32nd St. RSVP if interested to Ally Tash
Book Club
For our next book club, we will be reading "Great House" by Nicole Krauss, with a bagel brunch on Sunday, January 19 at 12pm. RSVP to Jonah and check out the Facebook event here.
Happy Hour
Our next happy hour will be Wednesday, January 22nd at 7pm at The Strand, 25-27 Broadway. Get more details and RSVP here.
Schmooze News
LimmudNY is Feb 14-17, 2014!
If you are interested in attending, let us know. We had a group of five go last year and plan on returning! Check out the website http://limmudny.org for all the info on this WONDERFUL weekend of Jewish learning and community!
Blood Drive at Central
Central Synagogue is hosting a blood drive on January 27th from 2:30-7:00pm. They are trying to get a good turn out since it is a time of year when blood banks are in need. It is open to the community, and having a presence from WJOA would mean a lot to them. See this website for more information.
As always, don't hesitate to send any stories/updates my way. Happy 2014!
Shabbat and Potluck
Our next Shabbat and Potluck will be THIS Friday, January 10 at 7pm. Please RSVP to Joe and Orlie at [email protected] and then sign up for what you're bringing here.
February date will be coming soon!
Trivia Night!
Our next trivia night will be taking place Monday, January 13, at 7pm at Gilbeys, located on Broadway and 32nd St. RSVP if interested to Ally Tash
Book Club
For our next book club, we will be reading "Great House" by Nicole Krauss, with a bagel brunch on Sunday, January 19 at 12pm. RSVP to Jonah and check out the Facebook event here.
Happy Hour
Our next happy hour will be Wednesday, January 22nd at 7pm at The Strand, 25-27 Broadway. Get more details and RSVP here.
Schmooze News
LimmudNY is Feb 14-17, 2014!
If you are interested in attending, let us know. We had a group of five go last year and plan on returning! Check out the website http://limmudny.org for all the info on this WONDERFUL weekend of Jewish learning and community!
Blood Drive at Central
Central Synagogue is hosting a blood drive on January 27th from 2:30-7:00pm. They are trying to get a good turn out since it is a time of year when blood banks are in need. It is open to the community, and having a presence from WJOA would mean a lot to them. See this website for more information.
As always, don't hesitate to send any stories/updates my way. Happy 2014!
December 19, 2013:
Shabbat and Potluck
At our next Shabbat, we will be collecting coats to donate to NY Cares.
REMINDER: Our next Shabbat and Potluck will take place THIS Friday, December 20th at 7:30pm. RSVP to Dan Sieber and then sign up for what you're bringing here.
Save the date for the next potluck: January 10, 2014!
Happy Hour
Our next happy hour will be Wednesday, January 22nd at 7pm at The Strand, 25-27 Broadway. Get more details and RSVP here.
WJOA's Jewish Christmas Volunteer Opportunity
This year on Christmas, The Carter Burden Center is looking for volunteers to eat Christmas lunch with a senior on December 25th on the Upper East Side. Brighten the day of a senior who might otherwise be alone on the holiday. A Christmas lunch is provided and volunteers eat with seniors in their homes around noontime. Volunteer alone, or with a friend. RSVP and see further details here.
Book Club
For our next book club, we will be reading "Great House" by Nicole Krauss, with a bagel brunch on Sunday, January 19 at noon. RSVP to Jonah and check out the Facebook event here.
Trivia Night!
Our next trivia night will be taking place Monday, January 13, at 7pm at Gilbeys, located on Broadway and 32nd St. RSVP if interested to Ally Tash
Schmooze News
LimmudNY is Feb 14-17, 2014!
If you are interested in attending, let us know. We had a group of five go last year and plan on returning! Check out the website http://limmudny.org for all the info on this WONDERFUL weekend of Jewish learning and community!
Shabbat and Potluck
At our next Shabbat, we will be collecting coats to donate to NY Cares.
REMINDER: Our next Shabbat and Potluck will take place THIS Friday, December 20th at 7:30pm. RSVP to Dan Sieber and then sign up for what you're bringing here.
Save the date for the next potluck: January 10, 2014!
Happy Hour
Our next happy hour will be Wednesday, January 22nd at 7pm at The Strand, 25-27 Broadway. Get more details and RSVP here.
WJOA's Jewish Christmas Volunteer Opportunity
This year on Christmas, The Carter Burden Center is looking for volunteers to eat Christmas lunch with a senior on December 25th on the Upper East Side. Brighten the day of a senior who might otherwise be alone on the holiday. A Christmas lunch is provided and volunteers eat with seniors in their homes around noontime. Volunteer alone, or with a friend. RSVP and see further details here.
Book Club
For our next book club, we will be reading "Great House" by Nicole Krauss, with a bagel brunch on Sunday, January 19 at noon. RSVP to Jonah and check out the Facebook event here.
Trivia Night!
Our next trivia night will be taking place Monday, January 13, at 7pm at Gilbeys, located on Broadway and 32nd St. RSVP if interested to Ally Tash
Schmooze News
LimmudNY is Feb 14-17, 2014!
If you are interested in attending, let us know. We had a group of five go last year and plan on returning! Check out the website http://limmudny.org for all the info on this WONDERFUL weekend of Jewish learning and community!